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Version: 0.15

Service with state


The functional command service is an alternative way to handle commands. There, you don't use aggregates for the domain model. Instead, you define a set of stateless functions that receive the restored state instance and the collection of previously stored events, and produces new events. The service performs the following operations when handling one command:

  1. Extract the stream name from the command, if necessary.
  2. Instantiate all the necessary value objects. This could effectively reject the command if value objects cannot be constructed. The command service could also load some other streams, or any other information, which is needed to execute the command but won't change state.
  3. If the command expects to operate on an existing stream, the stream events get loaded from the Event Store.
  4. Restore state from the loaded events.
  5. Execute an operation on the loaded (or new) state and events, using values from the command, and the constructed value objects.
  6. The function either performs the operation and produces new events, or rejects the operation. It can also do nothing.
  7. If the operation was successful, the service persists new events to the store. Otherwise, it returns a failure to the edge.
Handling failures

The last point above translates to: the command service does not throw exceptions. It returns an instance of Result<TState>.Error instead. It is your responsibility to handle the error.


Eventuous provides a base class for you to build functional command services. It is a generic abstract class, which is typed to the state type. You should create your own implementation of a service for each state type. As command execution is transactional, it can only operate on a single stream, and, logically, only one state type. However, there is no strong link between the state type and the stream name. You can use the same state type for multiple streams, or use different state types for the same stream.


Add Eventuous.Application NuGet package to your project.

Handling commands

The base class has one function that must be used in the service class constructor to define how the service will handle commands. The function is called On<TCommand> where TCommand is the command type. You can add as many command handlers as you need. The On function composes a command handler builder that allows to chain further details to describe how the command needs to be processed.

After calling On, add three more calls to the builder:

  • Define expected stream state using InState(ExpectedState). For example, if the BookRoom command expects that no booking exists with a given identity, you'd specify InState(ExpectedState.New). There are three possible states: New, Existing, and Any.
  • Resolve stream name from command using GetStream(Func<TCommand, StreamName>).
  • Use one of the Act functions to specify the business logic of the command handler. There are two available functions for it: Act and ActAsync.

Here is an example of a functional command service form our test project:

public class BookingFuncService : CommandService<BookingState> {
public BookingFuncService(IEventStore store) : base(store) {
.GetStream(cmd => GetStream(cmd.BookingId))

.GetStream(cmd => GetStream(cmd.BookingId))

.GetStream(cmd => GetStream(cmd.BookingId))


static IEnumerable<object> BookRoom(BookRoom cmd)
=> [new RoomBooked(cmd.RoomId, cmd.CheckIn, cmd.CheckOut, cmd.Price)];

static IEnumerable<object> ImportBooking(
BookingState state,
object[] events,
ImportBooking cmd
) => [new BookingImported(cmd.RoomId, cmd.Price, cmd.CheckIn, cmd.CheckOut)];

static IEnumerable<object> RecordPayment(
BookingState state,
object[] originalEvents,
RecordPayment cmd
) {
if (state.HasPayment(cmd.PaymentId)) yield break;

var registered = new BookingPaymentRegistered(cmd.PaymentId, cmd.Amount.Amount);

yield return registered;

var newState = state.When(registered);

if (newState.IsFullyPaid())
yield return new BookingFullyPaid(cmd.PaidAt);

if (newState.IsOverpaid())
yield return new BookingOverpaid((state.AmountPaid - state.Price).Amount);

The service uses the same BookingState record as described on the State page.


The command service will return an instance of Result<TState>. It can be inspected using the following members:

bool TryGet(out Result<TState>.Ok ok)Returns true if the result is successful and also returns Result<TState>.Ok as the out variable.
bool TryGetError(out Result<TState>.Error error)Returns true if there was an error. The error then gets assigned to an instance of Error that contains more details about what went wrong.
bool SuccessReturns true if the result is successful.
Exception? Exception { get; }Returns an exception instance if there was an error, or null if there was no exception.
void ThrowIfError()Throws the recorded exception if there was an error, does nothing otherwise.
T Match<T>(Func<Ok, T> matchOk, Func<Error, T> matchError)Can be used for pattern matching success and error if the output has the same type. Eventuous uses this function for producing IResult and ActionResult in HTTP API extensions.
void Match<T>(Action<Ok> matchOk, Action<Error> matchError)Allows to execute code branches based on the result success.
Task MatchAsync<T>(Func<Ok, Task> matchOk, Func<Error, Task> matchError)Allows to execute async code branches based on the result success.

When using TryGet, you get the Ok instance back, which contains the following properties:

TState StateNew state instance
Change[] ChangesList of new events. Change struct contains both the event payload and its type.
ulong StreamPositionPosition of the last event in the stream that can be used for tracking, for example, read model updates.

The Match function also provides Ok for the matchOk function to use.

When using TryGetError, you get the Error instance back, which contains the following properties:

string ErrorMessageThe error message, which can be custom or taken from the exception.
Exception? ExceptionException details if available.


If you registered an implementation of IEventStore in the DI container, you can also register the command service:

builder.Services.AddCommandService<BookingCommandService, BookingState>();

The AddCommandService extension will register the BookingService, and also as ICommandService<BookingState>, as a singleton. Remember that all the DI extensions are part of the Eventuous.Extensions.DependencyInjection NuGet package.

When you also use AddControllers, you get the command service injected to your controllers.

You can simplify your application and avoid creating HTTP endpoints explicitly (as controllers or minimal API endpoints) if you use the command API feature.

Application HTTP API

The most common use case is to connect the command service to an HTTP API using controllers or minimal API mappings.

Read the Command API feature documentation for more details.